Friday, February 2, 2018

From the Archive, Sept 6, 2017: Very Good Article from David T.S. Jonas Here About Political Moderation

originally published here on Sept 6, 2017

Trying to find some kind of middle ground between what are so often extreme positions is a very noble cause. It that sense, I've considered myself to be a moderate for many years.

On today's political scene, however, the discussion has been moved so far to the right that staking out some kind of middle ground is all but impossible. You can't compromise with politicians and pundits whose true goal is to dismantle the Federal government or who openly embrace White Supremacy, for instance.

Nevertheless, for most of our Nation's 241 year existence, finding middle ground with others is far more likely to bring about a good result than employing the kind of scorched-earth tactics that have blown up political discourse in the few years. Yes, I know how very overly-idealistic this sounds, especially after witnessing eight years of Tea bagger hate and obstruction of President Obama and now having our #PoserPOTUS trying to enact a very extreme White Nationalist agenda. I certainly get that.

But there is still hope to be found in looking for a moderate path. In this piece from today, writer and political operative David T.S. Jonas lays out plainly and succinctly yet with great skill how political moderates have seceded a host of issues and elections to extremists on the right wing by withdrawing from public life. By failing to show up on election day, especially.

It's a great article; I recommend it highly. If you're wondering if there's any cause for hope at all once we are successful at getting Mango Mussolini out of office, you should take the time to read this.

As I type this, Hurricane Irma is hurtling towards this peninsula where I and 21 million of my closest friends are hunkered down, hoping to not be blown away by what are the most powerful storm winds threatening Americans in many, many years.

But to me, the menace posed by the vicious, clueless and thoroughly incompetent wind bag currently living (part time) in the White House is far more serious. I hope you stay safe from the menace bearing down on us right now. And from that damn hurricane, too.

Hunkering down in O-town, I am,

"Bulldog Ben" Basile

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