Make no mistake, this thorough re-ordering of spending priorities is a direct result of Gov. Ron DeSantis replacing former Governor and infamous boot-licker Rick Scott.
Some quick facts to help you get a feel for what this new budget in Florida can mean:
- $100 million for spring restoration in several locations
- $417 million for Everglades restoration in particular
- $40 million for alternative water supply
- $25 million for research to combat blue-green algae and red tide, specifically.
If you’d like to dive a little deeper into this issue of the new budget and how it impacts our Florida environment, here’s a link to an excellent article that just ran in the latest issue of Florida Weekly.
This development has certainly been heartening for those of us who keep a close eye on environmental issues in the Sunshine State. Governor DeSantis has been commended over and over again for stepping up on this issue, as well he should be.
I’m hopeful that we all will still be offering kudos to Mr DeSantis for his wise and serious advocacy for Florida’s environment as his time in office draws to a close.
“Bulldog Ben” Basile
© 2019 Ben Lawrence Basile